Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Oxford Brookes Foundation Art and Design - Exhibition 2010

Swinging chandeliers, drifting asleep, dreaming of other places and other times. Trashy realms of unreality and unconsciousness. Whirlpools of gloss, sequins shining, blurring pounding noises, voices, hazy, racing hearts,
multi-coloured sparkling fizziness, multi-coloured stars dancing. Celebrations, confetti, parties and general nostalgia, along with a whirlwind of mess and debris left behind.

Childhood nostalgia and memories of eating leftover pavlova for breakfast in the dining room; ruby raspberries and sweet whipped cream sprinkled with edible glitter. The golden chandelier in the center of the room, submerged, dripping from exploded party poppers. Party rings, fireworks, sticky face-paints, and party games. Oily paint and pastel pigment smudges. Stick on earrings.

I am interested in the people at parties and celebrations. How they define themselves and their ephemeral existence in this often hyped-up, fake, and superficial world. A world that is meaningless other than what we create in it.

In this escape from reality a dream world is created, a powdered fantasy, a lurid lie, encrusted with gemstones and coated in rose tinted, sugary spectacles.

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